Travel Essential - Trolley Luggage


One of the high-perceived valued redemption gift ideas would be the Trolley Luggage. We are all familiar with the retail prices of this travel essential merchandise. 

Advantages of giving Trolley Luggage to consumers:

1. High-perceived value: Customer will feel the money spent on purchasing the particular brand is worth-while

2. Customized marketing: Luggage can be customized to your brand color, ample space available to display your logo & marketing message. 

3. "Prolonged advertising": Luggage is durable, can be used for long periods. Imagine few months to couple of years after the campaign, people can still be seen using the luggage!

It is critical to ensure that the luggage premium is of good quality in order to reap the benefits above. 

DTC has secured partnerships with our trusted & tested suppliers network, and we are able to custom the quality & ideal luggage for your brand. 

Disclaimer: This blog space is where DTC shares with our readers the Marketing Premiums, Promotional Products, POSM merchandises & Advertising Campaigns that we have come across in the industry. DTC does not advocate any brands or products mentioned in the blogs.