Recharge, Revive, Relax: DTC World Malaysia Holds Maiden Corporate Retreat 2023 @ Club Med, Cherating


Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

It might sound cliché, but good teamwork is the foundation for a successful business. That said, a productive and effective team should never be taken for granted. If you think about it, achieving great things is rarely possible without a good set of humans behind the scene.

When you have a committed and engaged team, synergy forms, creativity flows, teams move faster — and success is almost guaranteed. We believe the importance of keeping our team members at DTC World feeling engaged, valued, and happy in their jobs. As a celebration weekend itinerary to acknowledge the team’s hardwork achievement for the past year, DTC World Malaysia organises their maiden team retreat at Club Med, Cherating on 18 to 20 February.

Over the three-day two-night retreat, the team gets to enjoy a different environment, be out of our usual office setting — and truly revitalise in a tranquil and beautiful all-inclusive beach resort, where you get to feast and drink (all you want!). Having lined up a series of experiential team building activities to make the outing relevant, enjoyable and beneficial — honing creative problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, etc. to ensure all participants are more engaged towards achieving our organisational goals and objectives.



Our DTC World family members putting on a ‘good fight’ when it comes to team activities.

A facilitator divided the employees into two smaller groups, to encourage members who may not have much work liaisons to have the opportunity to interact among one another.

1, 2, say C.h.e.e.s.e.!: There’s always time for a wefie, of course.

In the midst of all the fun and feel-good times, we make sure to uphold our pledge to do an “act of green” — where we include a team beach clean up, as our way to help protect and preserve the health of our beaches and coastal environment.


We hope everyone has had a fun-filled weekend during this retreat — and returns with a recharged, refreshed, and re-energised self; ready to rock ‘n roll!