Manulife Merchandise

Brand: Manulife, Vietnam


Customised items, including Caps, Tote Bag Carriers and Hand Sanitisers, all printed with Manulife branding. These merchandise have been specially sourced and procured for Manulife, suitable for use at Manulife outdoor events.

Tote bags are perfect for carrying essentials at events, exhibitions, conferences etc and they come in various colours and styles so that you can customise the bags according to your preference.


Keeping guests safe is your priority. So you always ensure they are well and hygienic by providing a handy sanitiser at your events.

Caps are an ideal way of showing your brand's personality. They're also perfect for outdoor events where they provide extra protection from the sun and rain.

Quality merchandise that can be provided as goodie packs to attendees or customers at events organised by Manulife. The Manulife branded items help to increase brand visibility. They are also great souvenirs to commemorate the event.


DTC Support: Design, Sourcing, Production, Logistics